Care + Repair Symposium

Zissis Kotionis und Phoebe Giannisi, Nothing to Do with Dionysos – Dionysos Tub, 2011 © Phoebe Giannisi

The Care + Repair symposium is an example of combining all sorts of urban knowledge by bringing together local experts, the partners of the Mischung: Nordbahnhof research and development project, and the six international teams of architects invited to work on the Care + Repair project on the Nordbahnhof site. The partners in the research project outline the complexities of the local context for the work on the urban future of the Vienna Nordbahnhof grounds. The participating architecture teams present examples of their own approaches to the Care + Repair project in lectures followed by responses from the local experts.

Symposium in English

Treffpunkt: Nordbahn-Halle beim Wasserturm, Leystrasse, Ecke Taborstraße, Nordbahnhof Wien, 1020 Wien
Eintritt frei

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung Care + Repair. Ein öffentlicher Arbeitsraum des Architekturzentrum Wien

Mehr Infos unter


FR, 30.06. / 10:00 – 19:00

Az W Nordbahn-Halle


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